May 5
IAS Seeking California ELAP Assessors
The International Accreditation Service (IAS) is seeking qualified professionals for contract work conducting assessments of laboratories under the California Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP) and other related accreditation sectors. Some of the qualifications that are needed for these positions include:
- Experience in performing assessments of environmental laboratories.
- USEPA Drinking Water Certification (US EPA requirement for performing Drinking Water assessments) with a passed mark for either some or all subjects such as Microbiology, Chemistry, Radiochemistry etc.
- NELAP Basic Assessor Training Course or other similar Accreditation Body Assessor Training Course.
- Preferably, TNI Module Training in any of the approved TNI scopes such as Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Microbiology, Radiochemistry etc. Other credentials are also welcome such as WETT, SETAC etc.
- Preferably, ISO/IEC 17025 assessor course from a recognized institution or an ILAC-MRA signatory Accreditation Body recognized under the ISO/IEC 17025 scope.
- Requires ability to travel and conduct on site assessments primarily, but, not limited to California.
IAS is a nonprofit, internationally recognized accreditation body headquartered in Brea, California. Interested parties should submit your resume to IAS at