Logo and Accreditation Symbols Transition
Transition to New Corporate Logo and Accreditation Symbols
IAS has updated its corporate logo and the accreditation symbols used by conformity assessment bodies (CABs) to demonstrate their IAS accreditation status.
We believe these changes will enhance the visibility and recognition of IAS-accredited CABs at both the domestic and international levels. The drive to initiate the change was undertaken by the IAS parent company, International Code Council (ICC), to ensure that all the corporate logos were matched with regards to color and script while sharing a common brand identity and logo recognition to encourage a cohesive strategy.
We understand that these changes have ramifications to our customers’ certified reports and organizations so IAS has set a three-year transition period to help ease the burden on migration (deadline January 1, 2022). Customers providing reports and certificates bearing the IAS accreditation symbols fully benefit from the recognition that IAS enjoys under the Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRA) of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation, the International Accreditation Forum and their regional counterparts.
To read the details about the transition to the logo and symbols, click on the link below: