National and International Connections
IAS has achieved worldwide recognition and acceptance of its accreditation programs.
IAS-accredited testing laboratories, inspection agencies and fabricator inspection programs are recognized and used by thousands of building regulators in the U.S. and other countries in carrying out their regulatory duties. In the U.S. alone, all 50 states, and regulatory jurisdictions within those states, have adopted codes published by the International Code Council (ICC), related to energy conservation, residential and commercial buildings, plumbing, electrical systems, fire safety, fuel gases, and sewage disposal. Adoption of these codes means that products, services and systems must be tested and inspected for compliance with code or fabricated in conformance with code regulations. IAS has accredited testing laboratories whose scopes of accreditation cover hundreds of test methods related to building products and systems covered by these codes. We have also accredited laboratories and inspection agencies that test and inspect products that cross over into other industries such as aerospace, marine cargo, transportation, and sustainability-related industries.
IAS-accredited testing and calibration laboratories, inspection agencies and fabricator inspection programs are a valuable resource for industry providing proven services that will meet both their needs and the requirements of the regulators. The spreading adoption of the ICC codes, both nationally and internationally, means that demand for the services of IAS-accredited organizations is bound to increase to fulfill regulatory demands. Those responsible for public safety, through enforcement of regulatory requirements, must have confirmation that organizations that test, inspect or fabricate, are qualified, independent and capable. IAS accreditation provides such confirmation.
In the international arena, IAS-accredited laboratories and inspection agencies benefit from several strategic alliances that IAS has formed to make it possible for the reports from its accredited laboratories and agencies to be recognized and accepted worldwide. There are four international organizations that recognize IAS. These are the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), the Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC), the Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (PAC) and the International Accreditation Forum (IAF).
These organizations have developed into key facilitators of nation-to-nation trade agreements, and have significantly enhanced cross-frontier commerce by helping to eliminate trade barriers. IAS is a full member of these organizations, and has earned signatory status to the ILAC and APLAC MRAs for testing, calibration and inspection, and the IAF and PAC multilateral arrangements for product certification. IAS Cross Frontier Policy
IAS maintains credentials of the highest order for all of its accreditation programs and offers its programs to any technically competent calibration laboratory, testing laboratory, inspection agency, product certification agency or fabricator inspection program that seeks compliance with international accreditation requirements. IAS has worked hard to provide value to its more than 500 accredited organizations, by providing them with efficient service and with wide-ranging acceptance of their work. We encourage you to learn more about IAS and to watch our programs expand while adding value to our customers in the years to come. We also invite you to contact us to find out how your organization can become a part of our team.