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California Laboratories ELAP Accreditation Requirements Webinar


May 22, The 2nd Webinar in the TNI/ELAP Series

The California State Water Resources Board just approved the new Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP) regulations for accrediting environmental laboratories. This free 90-minute live webinar, from the International Accreditation Service (IAS), will provide…

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Building Safety Month 2020


This May marks the 40th annual Building Safety Month which is sponsored by the International Code Council (ICC) to raise awareness about building safety. IAS, a subsidiary of ICC, has many accreditation programs that support building safety including Building Department…

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World Metrology Day 2020


May 20 is World Metrology Day, commemorating the anniversary of the signing of the Metre Convention in 1875. This treaty provides the basis for a worldwide coherent measurement system that underpins scientific discovery and innovation, industrial manufacturing and international trade,…

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World Accreditation Day June 9th, 2020


World Accreditation Day is a global initiative established by ILAC and IAF. This year’s theme is How Accreditation Improves Food Safety.

Accreditation has an important role in food safety, by ensuring competent and impartial inspection, certification and testing services in all parts…

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ISO/IEC Standards, TNI/ELAP & Accreditation Training


The International Accreditation Service is making it more convenient than ever to learn about key ISO/IEC Standards, TNI/ELAP and the Accreditation Process using IAS Webinars and Online courses.

The International Accreditation Service is making it more convenient than ever to learn…

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California ELAP/2016 TNI Webinar for Testing Laboratories


This 90-minute webinar, provided by the International Accreditation Service (IAS), will provide laboratories with an overview of the steps that should be taken to comply with the California Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP)/2016 TNI Standard.

Overview of Webinar 

This training will highlight…

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PCI Signs Accreditation Agreement with IAS


The Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute and the International Accreditation Service (IAS) have completed a cooperation agreement that will enable PCI-certified plants to apply their PCI certification toward accreditation by IAS as an approved structural fabricator, in accordance with the IAS AC…

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17020 Online Training Course


Inspection Bodies – Check out the online training from IAS to learn more about ISO/IEC 17020.

Learn about the international inspection body competence standard from an internationally-recognized accreditor of inspection bodies. Examine its underlying principles and concepts. Understand its requirements.

This Online…

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17025 Online Training Course


Testing and Calibration Laboratories – Check out the online training from IAS to learn more about ISO/IEC 17025.

Learn about the international laboratory competence standard from one of its original authors. Examine its underlying principles and concepts. Understand its requirements.


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