IAS: News
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IAS Accreditation Programs Support Sustainable Forest Management


The IAS Product Certification Agency Accreditation Program and IAS Management System Certification Body Accreditation Program play an important role supporting the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC),  a leading global alliance of national forest certification systems. As an international non-profit, non-governmental…

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IAS March 2021 Newsletter


Introducing our March 2021 Newsletter — Our goal in producing the newsletter is to keep our clients and interested parties informed and involved. Since we want the newsletter to be as relevant as possible to your needs, we look forward…

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IAS Accredits Forensic Labs and Forensic Inspection Agencies


International Accreditation Service (IAS) accredits forensic laboratories and forensic inspection agencies to show compliance with internationally recognized standards.


“An accredited forensic laboratory or forensic inspection agency has demonstrated that it complies with the standards and is technically competent,” said Dr. George…

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FDA ASCA Policy for Public Review


The FDA ASCA Pilot Program – IAS Transition Policy document has been posted to the FDA ASCA Important Documents page for public review. You have until Friday, January 8, 2021 to make comments.

The document can be accessed at this link.