IAS: News
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ISO/IEC 17065 Training Held in Qatar


In cooperation with the Arab Center for Engineering Studies, IAS conducted a successful training course on ISO/IEC 17065, in Doha, Qatar. This two-day training course on March 3-4, 2019 examined the structural components of a Product Certification Agency, its quality…

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Korean Accreditation Board Visits IAS


Representatives from the Korean Accreditation Board, Republic of Korea, recently visited the IAS headquarters in Brea, California. The Korean Accreditation Board accredits certification bodies on behalf of the Korean government agencies such as the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, …

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ISO Task Force 14 Meeting on Annex SL


Dr. George Anastasopoulos, IAS VP of Global Development & Compliance, meeting with ISO Task Force 14 on February 26 at Georgia Tech to develop a solid and pragmatic base for management system standards in the years to come (called Annex…

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Los Alamos County Building Department Accreditation Featured in News


Congratulations Los Alamos County Building Department on achieving IAS Building Department Accreditation. Read the article in the Los Alamos Daily Post, the official newspaper of record in Los Alamos County, New Mexico. https://www.ladailypost.com/…/cdd-building-department-earns…

View their Scope of Accreditation https://www.iasonline.org/…/uploa…/2019/01/BDA-113-Scope.pdf

5th Annual Emerald Conference


Join IAS at the 5th Annual Emerald Conference, Feb 27-Mar 1, 2019, at the Loews Coronado Bay Resort, San Diego. This event is advertised as the most technical, informative, and engaging scientific conference in the Cannabis Industry. IAS is the Wi-fi…

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World Accreditation Day


June 9 marks World Accreditation Day 2019. Established by the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and the International Accreditation Forum, World Accreditation Day is celebrated each year to raise awareness of the importance of accreditation activities. This year, the focus of World Accreditation…

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