IAS: News
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Building Department Recognition – A New Program from IAS!


Building Department Recognition (BDR) from the International Accreditation Service (IAS) is a new way for building departments and other agencies to demonstrate a commitment to service, safety and continuous improvement. Those who earn this achievement are recognized for competence and…

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IAS December 2021 Newsletter


Introducing the December 2021 Newsletter – Our goal in producing the newsletter is to keep our clients and interested parties informed and involved. Since we want the newsletter to be as relevant as possible to your needs, we look forward…

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Proposed Revisions to the “Guidelines for Conducting Biannual Inspections of Manufacturers Accredited to The IAS Accreditation Criteria for Inspection Programs for Metal Building Systems”


IAS is proposing revisions to the current “Guidelines for Conducting Biannual Inspections of Manufacturers Accredited to The IAS Accreditation Criteria for Inspection Programs for Metal Building Systems”. The proposed revisions to the guideline are being posted on the IAS website…

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IAS Gains Recognition by GS Scheme


IAS is pleased to announce that it has been granted recognition by QS Scheme (https://www.q-s.de), a private Food Safety Scheme that is the leading standard for food safety in Germany and stands for quality assurance from farm to shop. Following…

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IAS Training Available at no Cost


Click here to see the list of recorded IAS training webinar content that is now available to you at no cost! These courses use the same materials as IAS live webinars and in-class courses. You can watch all of these…

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