The following IAS training sessions presented by Dr. Tony Francis have been made available for your viewing.
Webinar 1: CA ELAP/2016 TNI Standard for Testing Laboratories Training Video. (90-minutes)
Webinar 2: Get ready for the new California ELAP Accreditation Requirements Training Video. (60-minutes)
Webinar 3: How to prepare your Laboratory for an ELAP Assessment Video. (90-minutes)
Webinar 4: The Importance of QC in an ELAP Laboratory Video. (100-minutes)
Webinar 5: Understanding Technical Criteria for Chemistry Methods and Equipment Video. (85-minutes)
Webinar 6: Understanding Technical Criteria for Microbiological Methods and Equipment Video. (95-minutes)
Webinar 7: Guidelines for Method Selection and Validation Video. (85-minutes)
Webinar 8: Metrological Traceability in the ELAP Laboratory Video. (80-minutes)
Webinar 9: Training and Competence of ELAP Laboratory Personnel Video. (90-minutes)
Webinar 10: Creating and Integrating the Laboratory Quality Manual Video. (90-minutes)
Webinar 11: Effective Internal Audits and Management Reviews in an ELAP Lab Video. (90-minutes)
Webinar 12: Corrective Actions in the ELAP Lab Video. (90-minutes)
Webinar 13: Implementing a Robust Data Integrity Program in an ELAP Lab Video. (90-mintutes)
Webinar 14: Confessions of an ELAP Laboratory Assessor Video. (90-minutes)
Webinar 15: Quality Management System Implementation for Small Laboratories Video. (90-minutes)
Webinar 16: Implementing Effective Document Control in the ELAP Lab Video. (90-minutes)
Webinar 17: Ensuring Qualified Suppliers and Subcontractors in an ELAP Lab Video. (90-minutes)
Webinar 18: Management Requirements for ELAP Laboratories Video. (90-minutes)
Webinar 19: Equipment Requirements for ELAP Laboratories Video. (90-minutes)
Webinar 20: Sample Integrity in an ELAP Lab Video. (90-minutes)
Webinar 21: Writing Effective Responses to an ELAP Assessment Report Video. (90-minutes)
Webinar 22: Customer Service Requirements in an ELAP Lab Video. (90-minutes)
Webinar 23: Method Detection Limits in an ELAP Laboratory Video. (90-minutes)
Webinar 24: Policies and Procedures Required in an ELAP Laboratory Video. (90-minutes)
Webinar 25: TNI Standard Interpretations for a CA ELAP Lab Video. (90-minutes)
Webinar 26: Changes to SM 9020 ELAP Labs Need to Know Video. (90-minutes)
The new California ELAP regulations require accredited laboratories to implement a nationally accepted standard, called The NELAC Institute (TNI) Standard, for managing all factors that potentially can affect the quality of lab results – from the quality of supplies and equipment to the training of laboratory staff.
IAS is the only California-based Non-governmental Accreditation Body (NGAB) recognized to provide third-party assessments for accreditation to the TNI Standard. IAS is working with laboratories in California seeking to meet the new state requirements. In addition to assessing laboratories for California ELAP, IAS can also provide accreditation to the TNI 2016 Standard and ISO/IEC 17025 Standard.
Visit the California State ELAP Website
To review the latest CA ELAP Checklists, click here.
Get the latest information about accreditation practices, standards, training courses and more, when you join the IAS list for ELAP. To join, click here.
Email your Resume / CV to
Environmental Laboratory Assessors – Positions Open
The International Accreditation Service (IAS) is seeking qualified assessors to join our team to perform assessments of environmental laboratories seeking to gain recognition under the California Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP). IAS is a nonprofit Accreditation Body based in Brea, CA and one of the TNI approved ‘Non-Governmental Accreditation Body’. IAS has also been approved as a Third-Party Agency permitted to conduct assessments on behalf of the State of California.
We are looking for experts with any of the capabilities listed below:
If you have experience in some of the areas listed above, possess good communication skills, and want to learn more about the assessor position, please email your resume to .
The California State Water Resources Control Board adopted comprehensive regulations in their meeting on May 5, 2020 to modernize the Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP), which oversees more than 650 laboratories that regulate testing of drinking water, wastewater discharges and hazardous waste cleanup sites throughout California.
Read the California Water Boards News Release
Visit the web pages below for additional information.
California Water Board Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program